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Hoopy - Pelvic Floor exercises

Hoopy - Pelvic Floor exercises

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Did you know that 50% of women do Kegel exercises incorrectly?

This can lead to worsened prolapse and bladder leaks. Hoopy is a non-invasive bladder leak solution that makes it easier for you to contract your pelvic floor. Designed to tackle the root cause of bladder leaks and reverse the negative effects of prolapse in as little as 3 weeks, or your money back guaranteed!

Regain Your Confidence with a Stronger Pelvic Floor

  • Strengthens Your Pelvic Floor Muscles - A weak pelvic floor is the root cause of bladder leaks and prolapse. No more leaks when you apply pressure to your bladder.
  • Prevents Prolapse - Helps prevent prolapse from progressing to stage 4, which may require invasive surgery.
  • Supports Prolapse Recovery - Even if you already have a prolapsed bladder, Hoopy can help reverse the negative effects.
  • Avoid Fungal Infections from Incontinence Pads - Pads are temporary solutions that don’t fix the root cause and can become very expensive over time.
  • Cures Bladder Leaks for Good - By strengthening your pelvic floor muscles with resistance, Hoopy addresses the root cause of uncontrollable leaks.

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  • FREE eBook on Managing Bladder Leaks (valued at £4.99)

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late!

Your pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in bladder control, core strength, and intimate sensation. As you age, these muscles weaken, especially after childbirth, leading to issues like bladder leaks, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, and prolapse. These problems will only worsen over time if left unaddressed.

Incontinence pads and diapers are short-term solutions that only mask the problem, allowing your condition to gradually worsen behind the pads. Plus, the cost of disposable pads can add up significantly over time.

When you go out, you might constantly worry about the nearest toilet or feel self-conscious about people noticing the smell from your incontinence pads. We understand how frustrating it is to live with a weak bladder.

Restricting yourself from laughing, coughing, or sneezing to avoid leaks is no way to live your life.

So, what are you waiting for? There is still hope and time to achieve a leak-free life and regain your confidence.

Real Results, Real People

Stop letting bladder leaks dictate your life. Take action and join our leak-free customers today! (More reviews at the bottom of the page)

"I saw this and thought this could actually work! Guess what??? Within a week it has!!!" - Jackelene B

"Really pleased with mine. I noticed a difference within the first week. Highly recommend it." - Beverly

"It's working for me. My new replacement hip is also getting stronger. I am happy with it. I have had 5 kids, ride a horse, and I'll be 72 on my next birthday. I haven’t had an accident in several weeks!" - Maria

Breakthrough Discovery

Other incontinence products on the market are very expensive, invasive, or simply do not work. You’ve probably tried Kegel exercises with no success.

Did you know that 50% of women do Kegels incorrectly? This is largely because they cannot effectively contract their pelvic floor muscles on their own, or they need more resistance to stimulate enough muscle growth.

Your pelvic floor is a muscle that needs resistance to grow, just like any other muscle in your body.

After years of prototypes, we discovered the breakthrough v-shaped design, which allows you to train your pelvic floor muscles externally with adequate resistance.

How Hoopy Works

The unique design, placed under your bottom, allows you to effectively squeeze your pelvic floor muscles just like with Kegels, but with a tangible object to help you execute the movement correctly.

Within the v-shaped design, a resistance controller is fitted in the trainer, allowing you to increase or decrease the resistance depending on how strong your pelvic floor muscles are. This enables you to find the perfect resistance for your pelvic floor muscles.

Hoopy is the only external pelvic floor trainer on the market that trains your pelvic floor muscles externally with adequate resistance. This product is only available online and cannot be purchased in stores!

Is Hoopy Right For Me?

Honesty and integrity are at the core of our business values. That being said, if any of the following apply to you, please do not purchase our product:

  • If you have a small frame or weigh 40kg or below, this product is not for you as it may be difficult to keep the trainer between your legs.
  • If you have weak hips due to a medical condition such as a hysterectomy and don't think you will have the strength to execute the exercise, then this product is also not for you.
  • If you have pelvic/back pain, we recommend consulting a health professional before purchasing Hoopy, as they will be best placed to give advice specific to you.


  • How does Hoopy train the pelvic floor when it looks like only your glute muscles are being trained?Many women cannot do Kegels because they cannot see their pelvic floor, as it is an internal muscle. When using Hoopy, you are not just squeezing your glutes, but also your pelvic floor muscles. Hoopy makes the process more tangible, easier, and most importantly, more effective.
  • I thought I didn’t need anything for my pelvic floor exercises?1 in 2 women who do Kegels do them incorrectly because they cannot properly contract their pelvic floor muscles on their own. Hoopy is for those who cannot do Kegels on their own.
  • I already have a prolapse. Can I still use Hoopy?Yes, the trainer is still suitable for people who already have a prolapse and are looking to improve their condition.
  • Can men use this product?Yes, the product is also suitable for men.
  • Does the order come in discreet packaging?Yes, all orders come in discreet packaging.
  • What if I’m not consistent with using Hoopy or forget to use it?If you suffer from leaks consistently or have a prolapse, that will be a constant reminder for you to do something about it.
  • Are these issues a result of a weak pelvic floor?Always check with a specialist to ensure that your issues are linked to a weak pelvic floor. Getting a diagnosis will help you choose the right device to help.

How to Use

Note: All orders come with an instruction manual in the box.

Hoopy is quite bulky, which is what makes it effective, but this may make it difficult for some people to use properly. It may take a few attempts to get used to the movement, but once you do (after about 3 or 4 tries), it becomes easier to use.

Most women see results from using Hoopy while standing. We suggest using it with shorts so that the exerciser has contact with your skin, giving it more grip to stay in place.

Standing Practice:

  • Place the trainer between your thighs (3-6cm below the butt).
  • Lead the contraction with the pelvic floor muscles, followed by the glutes.
  • Hold for a couple of seconds, then release.

Kneeling Practice:

  • With your feet apart and your knees half-bent, place the trainer so that the wings are pointing at your heels.
  • Lead the contraction with the pelvic floor muscles, followed by the glutes.
  • Hold for a couple of seconds, then release.

Bending Practice:

  • Place the trainer between your hips while doing a plank, keeping your body parallel to the floor.
  • Tilt your pelvis back while lifting the abdomen at the same time, then squeeze with the pelvic floor and release.

When Should I Use Hoopy?

It’s best to establish a consistent daily routine when using Hoopy so you don’t forget to use it. You can use it for 5 minutes as soon as you wake up or right before bed. You’ll know you’re on the right track when the exercise becomes easier after the first couple of days.

100-Day Money-Back Guarantee

 are so confident in Hoopy’s ability to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and stop any leaks or prolapse that we offer a 100-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t see results after using Hoopy consistently for 3 weeks, just email us to return the product free of charge, and we will give you your money back, no questions asked.

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